Carter Roberts, President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund Joins Denver Frederick

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The following is a conversation between Carter Roberts, the President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund, and Denver Frederick, Host of The Business of Giving on AM 970 The Answer in New York City.

Carter Roberts © ImpactSpace

Denver: When my next guest was 29 years old, he made a list of the things he wanted to accomplish which included getting married, having three kids, seeing the Himalayas and the Arctic, and finally, leading a group of people in saving the most important places on earth. He has done pretty well with that list, including the final item. He is Carter Roberts, the President and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund.

Good evening, Carter, and welcome to The Business of Giving!

Carter: Thanks. Great to be here.

Denver: Why don’t we start by having you give us a snapshot of the World Wildlife Fund and the mission of the organization.

Carter:  World Wildlife Fund. You may know us by our panda logo more than anything, but we were founded 55 years ago. We work in 100 countries around the world. People would think that we are nice people saving fuzzy animals, but our mission is all about creating a future for humanity on this earth in which we live in harmony with the planet… which means protecting nature and driving more sustainable behavior for all of us.

Denver: You know, Carter, the general public, I think, is often confused with all the different environmental and conservation and wildlife groups. What makes WWF distinctive?  And what particular niche do you uniquely fill?

Carter: I’ve worked for a couple of groups in my career,  and I’ve studied different groups. I love history, and I’ve often said:  if you want to understand the group, you should look at the moment of conception– the first thing they did– because the DNA of that group is baked in in the very first thing they do.

Denver: Interesting perspective.

Carter: I was with the Nature Conservancy for 15 years. The first thing they did was: they were a group of scientists who were about to lose a place. They took out second mortgages, raised a lot of money to buy the land to keep it from being developed, and the idea of mobilizing capital to save nature is at the heart of what they do. And for WWF, we were founded 55 years ago, simultaneously in the UK, the Netherlands, the US and Switzerland to draw the world’s attention to the plight of animals and places around the world that we were losing, to raise the resources and mobilize people to save them.

So from the beginning, we were created as a global organization that would operate through communication, through elevating issues, and then getting people to converge on a single place, on a single issue, to make a difference before it’s too late.

Over the past 40 years, we have lost 50% of the populations of the world’s species, and that trend line is headed in the wrong direction with some notable positive exceptions. And on the other side, when I started this job, we were demanding in the world, 1.3 times what the planet could sustain. We just hit the 1.5 mark, and at this rate, we’re going to need two planets to survive this humanity.  And, of course, there’s not another.

Denver: Well, sticking with the idea of global, one of your signature publications is the Living Planet Report. What were some of the highlights, as well as the trend lines from your most recent report?

Carter: Yeah. I wish I could tell you that that report is going in the right direction. We’ve been doing it for 40 years. We have two big measures of the world. One is a market basket of the world species and how those populations are doing over time. And the other measure is humanity’s footprint, or how much of the world does each person, on average, demand from the world in order to survive. And when I started this job, we had already seen a decline in the world’s population of species.

Over the past 40 years, we have lost 50% of the populations of the world’s species, and that trend line is headed in the wrong direction with some notable positive exceptions. And on the other side, when I started this job, we were demanding in the world, 1.3 times what the planet could sustain. We just hit the 1.5 mark, and at this rate, we’re going to need two planets to survive this humanity.  And, of course, there’s not another.

Denver: Yes. That’s, I think, they call it “earth overshoot day”, and it’s really now, right at the very beginning of August when we’ve used up the resources in a single year.

Carter: It is. And for the remainder of the year, it’s the equivalent of a farmer eating his seed. It’s not a good thing.

Denver: No. You know, there have been a number of significant accomplishments that have occurred in the 12 plus years that you’ve been the CEO of WWF. But perhaps, none, any greater than your work in Brazil and creating a system of protected areas in the Amazon. How in the world were you able to achieve that?

Carter: Yeah. When I ask people and when I interview them, I always ask them: what are you most proud of? And if you ask me, beyond my personal life– actually my work life is my personal life– what are you most proud of? I would mention the Amazon because back in the day, 25 years ago, when the world knew it was losing its forests, we developed a partnership with the government of Brazil– President Cardozo– the World Bank, and a number of foundations– the Moore Foundation and the Global Environmental Facility– with the dream of creating a system of parks in the Amazon covering at least 10% of that part of the country.

And in the process, we have created a system of parks since then, equal to 125 million acres, that is larger than the state of California.  And it’s the largest single conservation project anywhere in the world. And we have then taken the steps to create a consortium of groups around the world to finance it in a really cool, multi-party single closing that is performance-based… that gives the government of Brazil time to put in place the measures to hire the park guards, to finance all the equipment they need to make sure that those parks remain intact.

Denver: Let me pick up on that idea, if I can. About 15% of the world’s land is protected. And to finance that, it takes maybe $2.5 billion or so, of which we have a shortfall of $1.5 billion.  So, some creative financing is called for there, and your effort around that is something called Project Finance for Permanence. What is that?  And how does that work?

Carter: What we found is: it’s truly important to create a park. If you create a park, the level of deforestation drops by a bit. But if that park is not financed, and you don’t have the money to hire the park guards– boots on the ground– put up the signs, patrol the roads, all of that, then the level of deforestation jumps.

And so, with the government of Brazil, we estimated what would it cost to actually manage these parks. We looked at the gap between that and where the government of Brazil is now. We figured out how long it would take to put in place the measures to close that gap, and then we created a $215 million fund with the government of Norway, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Moore Foundation, the Global Environmental Facility, the government of Germany, and many others that came together from around the world to basically say, “Look, we will cover that transition but on a performance basis. So, we will pay out each year the government of Brazil takes a step in the right direction.”

And it has become a model that many other governments in the world now want to follow from Bhutan, to Peru, to Colombia, to even the DRC in Africa. And so, we are now looking at: how do you scale this up to do likewise in the most important forested of countries in the world?

Denver: Wow. That’s truly fantastic and ground-breaking. Let’s turn to the climate for a moment. When President Trump declared earlier this year that the United States would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, a coalition of sorts came together which you guys have played a very integral part in. What is it?  And what’s the purpose and intention of that coalition?

Carter: Look, you and I are sitting here in New York during the week of the UN General Assembly, where the nations of the world have come together to talk about the biggest problems that we face. One of the biggest, most global problems that we face is climate change. And the agreements between nations around the Paris agreement was a groundbreaking moment in which people put on the table their commitments. They were all different… but toward a common goal of staying below 2°C, with an ambition to get to get to 1.5°C, in terms of an increase in temperature.

And the US leadership has played a pivotal role throughout that, particularly the US and China. And because the world was waiting for the two biggest emitters, what were they going to do? And the US and China came forward. It unlocked a lot of possibilities, and it was a wonderful moment.

We worked very hard to keep the US in that agreement. And when the Trump administration announced that they wanted to get out, we were determined to signal for the rest of the world that America was still on. And within five days, our team along with other NGOs and Mayor Bloomberg, managed to secure the signatories from 1,500 companies representing $2.6 trillion of annual revenue. Mayors and governors representing 125 million Americans, presidents of 600 universities. That said, we are still in the Paris Agreement.

Denver: It sure was.

Carter: So, we worked very hard to keep the US in that agreement. And when the Trump administration announced that they wanted to get out, we were determined to signal to the rest of the world that America was still in. And within five days, our team along with other NGOs and Mayor Bloomberg, managed to secure the signatories from 1,500 companies representing $2.6 trillion of annual revenue. Mayors and governors representing 125 million Americans, presidents of 600 universities… That said we are still in the Paris agreement. We are still committed to deliver on America’s pledge.  And it signals to the rest of the world that our country is many, many, many things and many, many, many different actors who are still devoted to saving the world, stabilizing climate for all the many reasons that are obvious to you and me.

Denver: And it created a lot of energy around all that.

Carter: And that happened in five days.

Denver: Yeah. That’s moving fast.

Carter: And one of my favorite sayings is “The race goes to the swift”.

Denver: Absolutely!

Carter: And that’s a moment that fills me with pride because we moved like the wind.

Denver: I don’t think many people, Carter, when they think of you, connect you with global food production or security, but they would be wrong. Why is this important, and what have your efforts been in that area?

Carter: Thirteen years ago when I started, I asked our guys to take the most important places in the world that we cherish and to systematically look at what are the biggest threats to each of those places. And you would think, given what we just talked about, that all the places would list climate change. At that time, when you looked across the Amazon, the Congo, the Coral Triangle, the Mekong River, the Himalayas, the Arctic, and all the other places in the world that we love, the most common mentioned item was unsustainable food production.

So in the Amazon, it is poorly designed cattle and soy production. In the Heart of Borneo, it is palm oil and illegal timbering.

Denver: Yup.

Carter: In the Congo, it’s pulp and paper. And in the Coral Reefs of the South Pacific, it’s overfishing. You name it. Unsustainable food production is one of the biggest drivers for the destruction of habitat. It also is the biggest user of water in the world — 70% to 80 % of water, anywhere in the world, goes to agriculture. But of course, it is absolutely essential for us to survive for humanity. And by the way, our numbers are going up! So, as our numbers are going up, and the world demands more and more food, and by the way, the rest of the world with a rising middle class wants to eat like we do here in the United States.

I’m worried about running out of planet.

Denver: That’s right. More beef, and that takes a lot of water.

Carter: It puts more and more pressure on the planet. And so, if you ask me, “What are you most worried about, Carter?” I’m worried about running out of planet. And what we have found is the best forms of food production use one-tenth of all the inputs, including land, as the worst forms. And if you can find leverage to move those practices as quickly as you can, therein lies a big part of the solution.

So, when I saw that data, we had a brilliant guy in the backroom, he’d written 15 books. They were piled up in his office, and I said, “We are going to take every discretionary dollar that we have and put it behind this.” And we built out a program that’s all about building certification programs with the biggest companies that buy and trade food, and that sell food like Walmart. We ended up building partnerships with others, and now we have within the United States 60 people who do nothing but work on sustainable food production, and we have about 300 or 400 people globally. And it is one of the most important things that we do for the reasons that I mentioned earlier.

Denver: You certainly have put your resources behind that. And let’s talk about some of these corporate partnerships. I think a lot of organizations consider private sector partnerships to be important. But very few people have placed the priority on them as you have. Why have you made this such a priority at WWF?

Carter: Because if we don’t engage the private sector, we might as well turn out the lights and go home. If you look at all the things that it takes to save places like the Amazon, or the Heart of Borneo, it is clear that government plays an enormously important role in creating the regulatory framework and forcing the rule of law and all the rest. It’s clear that civil society plays a huge role as well. But the forces that are changing our planet are market forces — it’s investments; it’s practices; it’s manufacturing. It’s all the rest. And I know from my own personal experience, having worked in a couple of very big companies. . .

Denver: You certainly have.

Carter: …at the beginning of my career, that companies are full of good people who don’t just want to make money. They also want to solve the biggest problems of today. And if you can make common cause with them, provide them with some ideas, partner with them where you can, but at the end day, those partnerships have to be built on targets, measurable targets for lowering their footprint and making a difference in the world, then what I have seen is the ability for companies, not only to shape sectors, but also for companies to influence government policy. And it is that combination.

Now, I’m not saying we should put all our eggs in the basket of private sector work, but in combination with our work on agreements like Paris, government regulations and all the rest. It’s profoundly important. What we have found is: if it’s just a single company, we’re not going to get there fast enough.

And so, the new art form is when a single company can work with many others and create a momentum across industries and sectors to really make something pop at a scale that matters.

Denver: Get their supply chains involved and all the rest of it. Well, let’s talk about a couple of those partnerships. And you do partner with the big, big companies like Walmart. There are very few any bigger than Walmart. . .

Carter: They are the biggest in the world.

Denver: They’re the biggest! They’ve got 200 million customers every single week and a lot more to that online. They launched back in 2015 a 15-year effort called Project Gigaton. What have they committed to do?  And how are you helping them do it?

Carter: Walmart has been deeply committed to the environment, starting with the Walton family and then cascading through the company. They’re really smart about their sources of leverage, which is: they buy. In my previous life, I sat in their buyers’ rooms, and the negotiations in those rooms is really tough. They ask not just about price but about the footprint of those products and how they were produced from land use to climate change. And they have worked with us in creating this initiative that basically commits to reducing their emissions through their supply chain by a gigaton, which by the way, is a lot, and it shows up on global maps of reducing climate emissions. And they have pulled in all of their suppliers across manufacturing, the food production, transportation, retail, soup to nuts, to basically be a part of this commitment. They stand on stage, they compete with each other for credit, and it has created this momentum and this tidal wave to get after a really big number.  It’s all about execution, and we’re in the early stages of that.  But it holds great promise.

Denver: Another outstanding and long-standing partner of yours has been Coca-Cola. And you’ve worked with them around water. How have the two of you partnered here? And what difference have you been able to make?

Carter: Well, our Coca-Cola partnership, I think, has had a trajectory that’s common to a lot of corporate approaches to sustainability. Initially, it was all about contributing money to small-scale river work in the southern United States. Then came a moment when a watershed in India went dry, in Kerala. And people were–unfairly, it turns out– blaming Coke for sucking the watershed dry, which was affecting their ability to operate in India… which, let’s just say, is a big deal.

Often the greatest moments in a corporation’s approach to social issues begins with a moment of pain.

Denver: Yes.

Carter: And their board chair at the time, Neville Isdell, would say that often the greatest moments in a corporation’s approach to social issues begins with a moment of pain. That was the moment of pain. He created a manifesto for the company that was to really pivot and become a leader on the issue of water. We partnered with them in creating a whole global system that targets across 49 countries, across many watersheds. It’s all about engaging communities on water use, but also driving on their supply chain new forms of production of sugar and other raw materials that use a lot less water and become a lot more sustainable.

And we dreamed about using their marketing muscle to create a movement on water worldwide. So it’s not just about lessening the footprint — it’s about reaching out to others and creating something that’s bigger than they are.



Carter Roberts and Denver Frederick at the AM970 The Answer Studio

Denver: Let me ask you a little bit more on this concept of sustainability. You’ve been the CEO of WWF for 12 plus years. How have corporations changed when it comes to sustainability? How they think about it? How they practice it? And how it might even look in the future?

Carter: It first started with reputation, and it was doing good things. And then it moved into a field, some would call it of having “a competitive advantage” relative to other companies with governments, with suppliers, the right to operate in different countries, but also with customers. And then it moved into a world in which companies are beginning to act together because they see the comments. They want to act together. They want to do the right thing. And what we’re finding now is if you get all the progressive companies in the world to act together, that their industry is still vulnerable to the worst companies doing bad things.

And so,  companies are now looking at: How do they engage governments, create a policy regulatory framework that lifts all boats, that recognizes the best practices and that enforces laws that prevent illegal sourcing of food to happen?  Because it’s illegal sourcing of food that may generate only 10% of the products, but generates 50% of the damages in the world. And so, we’re beginning to see whole sectors operate together, think together, and get after issues together… and it offers great hope for us.

Denver: Let me ask you a little bit more about this third actor–because sometimes we don’t talk about them enough–and that’s the government. We’ve been talking about the private sector. We’ve been talking about the NGO. How does a government best complement what you and companies are doing?  And give us an example of one where they’ve really been outstanding.

Carter: At the end of the day, when you look at the Brazilian Amazon, or you look at any of the places we’ve talked about, the institution whose job and responsibility is to think about that place and the future of that place, and how do you manage parks, infrastructure, food production and all the rest, is the government. And the government should represent the will of people. And what we found in every place we work in the world, is that whatever model we build with communities or with the private sector. And by the way, communities are enormously important. I’d love to talk a little bit about that. That it is only going to last if it is supported by government policy that recognizes the role of communities, who recognizes market structures that need to work, and that’s put in place and it lasts over time.

So, my favorite example of that is Bhutan. We’ve been working on a similar project like the one we did in Brazil, with Bhutan, and it’s a very interesting government because they have what you would call a wealth of enabling conditions. They have a constitution that calls for 60% of the country to be forested forever. They are saturated in the form of Buddhism that venerates all living sentient beings. They have a government that measures gross national happiness.

Denver: Right. I saw that TED talk. It’s fabulous.

Carter: And it is a country wedged between China and India that is under enormous pressure, and yet they have a king and a prime minister who are devoted to these issues and devoted to nature, and it is a place where amazing things happen. But they, as the king said to us on a visit that we took there a couple of years ago, he said, “I don’t want my country to be a museum. I want it to be a laboratory of learning and innovation.” And that’s exactly what’s happening in Bhutan. And so, you would love for every country in the world to behave likewise, right?

Denver: Yeah. No question.

Carter: To really think about: What are the measures of happiness? It’s not just financial. It’s the ecological health of the country. It’s the education for their children. It is the rights of women. It is all those fundamental things that makes a society work.

Denver: Notwithstanding what we had just talked about, about national governments, so many people come on the show, Carter, I ask them about change, and they say it’s really not at the national level. It does happen at the community level. So, speak a little bit about communities and their important role and how best to engage them.

Carter: I’ll just say this. In our work, the part of which that touches my soul most deeply is our work with communities. It is in our best work around the world, whether it’s the Northern Great Plains with ranchers and with tribes, or whether it’s in Alaska with the tribes on the North Shore or whether it is in Namibia–I just came back from Namibia. I’ll tell you about that–or Nepal, or the Banda Sea in Indonesia, the genius and the rights of communities to manage their own natural resources is probably the form of conservation that is going to most stand the test of time because as the political winds come and go, and the fires blow through, it is the prairie plants that have the deepest root that survive. And it is community-based conservation that has proven to be enormously successful in Nepal where they’ve reached zero poaching for three years.

In Namibia, where it is the bright spot of conservation in Africa, with very little poaching, a reverence for animals, and growing prosperity in communities that I think represents one of the biggest opportunities in our work. And by the way, the best government policies build on the genius of communities because they have great knowledge and wisdom about how the world works.

Denver: The World Wildlife Fund, Carter, is a phenomenally complex and large organization, and you run it very much like a business. Share with us your journey to the role as CEO and also, what kind of leadership do you think nonprofits are going to need to thrive and really make an impact in the future?

Carter: I’m a Harvard MBA so I love targets. I love goals. I’m obsessed with goals.

Denver: You don’t have a choice.

Carter: And when I came into this job and I looked at the measures we have of how the world is going, I very much wanted the organization to commit to goals that mattered, at a scale that mattered against these big global trends. And then, to devise whatever solutions would operate at a scale that matters in bending those curves.

Easier said than done!  And what we’ve learned along the way is the only way- first of all, if you only adopt your own goals, the rest of the world is not going to necessarily salute. It is far better if what we do is adopt the goals that the world has set. So, we have the sustainable development goals, with goals on food waste, on saving the planet, on reducing poverty and all the rest. The world has goals as part of the Paris Agreement, and we all know what those are. And the world has goals as part of the convention on biological diversity to set aside 10% of the ocean and 17% of land in parks. So, we’ve hitched our wagon to those goals.

Denver: Or you want to be part of something larger.

Carter: Right. And it’s a recognition that, by the way, the big players are going to be governments and the private sector and communities, and not us. And our role is to be supportive of them and to help them succeed. And so, we have created an institution that’s hitched to those goals. And then the other thing that I’ve learned is the people who make the greatest difference in our work are the people who have the ability to connect the dots between government, private sector and communities and academia and all the rest. Those people are like gold.

And so, we’ve created interdisciplinary teams around each of those goals.  And then we have thought really hard about innovation, and how do you drive it.  And scale, and how do you drive it.  But at the end of the day, it requires a very honest conversation within the organization of what meets the test of scale in creating results and what doesn’t. And 13 years later, we are in a much better place on that than we used to be.

Denver: Let’s talk about a couple of those things more. Let’s talk about innovation. Now, one of the things that the nonprofit sector is starving for is innovation. And a social sector is a sector that should be taking the most risk, but I think generally, we’re inclined not to. You have studied innovation a lot. You’ve seen what Google’s done, and what Microsoft has done, and what Procter & Gamble has done, and you brought a lot of those best practices over to WWF. So, how do you drive innovation in a consistent and systemic way?

Carter: What you learn- I study other organizations a lot. I study other NGOs. I study the private sector. I study their biggest successes. And what you learn is the most successful organizations drive their big existing line programs, but they also are capable of devoting a significant amount of the resources to innovation. But they’re doing that in a systematic way. It’s not just some crazy… let a thousand flowers bloom… but against the larger goals, you are able to invest in early-stage ideas and mapping them out and testing them; the ones that don’t work, you kill them. Some of the ones that do work, you transfer them to other organizations and then really thinking carefully about scaling those up.

Three years ago, I looked at our work and I realized I showed a slide to our board of the first woodcut from Gulliver’s Travels, where Gulliver wakes up and he’s tied down by Lilliputians on the beach.  That’s what a nonprofit budget looks like. And so, when big opportunities come up during the course of the year, they can’t move.

Denver: No. Paralyzed.

Carter: And so, I was determined to change that, and so we restructured, made ourselves smaller, freed up discretionary resources. Several board members on their foundations came in as well that made a huge difference. And we created an innovation fund, that part of which I gave away to our goal leads, and they could create their own means of innovating, but the rules were you had to spend it on a new idea, something we’ve never done before, and you had to spend it on a partnership with another organization.

Denver: Good!

Carter: You couldn’t use it to cover a budget gap.

Denver. No, no.

Carter: And then the other part we used on identifying those things where there was an opportunity to scale them up. And so three years later, it has changed our organization so that people are talking about different stages of innovation. They’re talking about things that worked and didn’t, and they are oriented toward the rest of the world in innovations with others, and it feels like a different place.

We have a culture that, because of who we are and how we were born, is deeply attentive to the different cultures in the world and in building bridges with other parts of the world. The best stuff we do is when three or four or five of our country programs come together, connect the dots and it all comes together into a single place.  And that is built not on structure, but on relationships.

Denver: I can imagine. Yeah. You know, when you allow your to dream and to be able to seize opportunities, they are looking for them, and it just changes the dynamic. Let’s talk about the dynamic. You have been very intentional in creating the corporate culture at WWF. It’s one of the reasons you have one of the best places to work in the nonprofit sector. So, how would you describe that culture?  And what are some of the specific things that you’ve done to influence and shape it, in addition to what you’ve told us?

Carter: There are a lot of parts of our culture that if I said them would sound like one of those… they’re time-honored truths about respect and openness and creativity and innovation and all the rest. I would say this:  It’s that we have a culture right now that regularly looks at the trend lines in the world, realizes the scale of what we’re up against, and has a great sense of urgency about getting after those things where we can.

We have a culture that, because of who we are and how we were born, is deeply attentive to the different cultures in the world and in building bridges with other parts of the world. The best stuff we do is when three or four or five of our country programs come together, connect the dots, and it all comes together in a single place.  And that is built not on structure, but on relationships.

And so, we’ve worked hard to build a culture in which people build relationships. When something goes wrong, they pick up the phone. They don’t fire off an email, and they look people in the eye, and they work through these things together. And I think that’s one of the great joys of working at WWF. We are in some ways like the United Nations. But we have great, deep and abiding connections between countries. That’s part of learning, but it’s also a part of what I think the world needs to solve the problems we face.

Denver: Let me close with this, Carter. We started by talking about that list you made many, many moons ago, and how you had successfully checked off all those items. So, let me close with your current list.

Carter: Not all of those items.

Denver: Well, all the ones that I know of. So, let me close with your current list. What are the things you want to achieve both for yourself and for the World Wildlife Fund in the years ahead?

Carter: Lest you think I had that 29-year old list taped to my refrigerator, I actually had lost it; and I discovered it.

Denver: Found it in a box.

Carter: In a box. Dug it up and started looking through it, and the degree to which it had seeped into my consciousness or subconsciousness, that it really captured the things I care about. And I sat down with my board chair and I said–I told him about this, “I found this list and I have accomplished most of the things on it. Now, what do I do?” And his answer was, “Make a new list!”

Denver: That’s a good board chair.

Carter: And so I thought long and hard about it, and I’ve made a list that includes quite a number of personal items about my kids being healthy, going to college, flourishing in their lives. I’d love to teach. I’d love to write a book that talks about some of the issues that gives the world hope.

But when I think about our work, my list looks something like this: It is to keep the Amazon and the Coral Reefs of the world intact. It is to end the ivory trade. It is to secure a price on carbon. It is to do the most transformational partnerships with Apple, and Google, and Walmart, and Amazon — companies that have the ability to move the world with many others. And it is to bend those curves that I talked about at the beginning of this conversation.

And so,  I’m not going to lose this list. I am going to tape this to my desk. But I think there’s so much complexity in the world of conservation that it’s really important to identify a handful of things that are going to be your legacy, to get after those with a vengeance, and build partnerships with others who care about the same.

Denver: Well, that is one incredible list, and one that every listener out there is really rooting for you to make. Well, Carter Roberts, the president and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund, I want to thank you so much for being in this evening and for a great conversation. Tell us about your website, anything particularly cool on it, and how people can get involved and help support the work that you do!

Carter: Our website Please go to it. It’s full of all kinds of rich information about happenings in the world. You can go deep on any place, on any species, on any issue.

The other thing I’d point out is the “I Am Still In” initiative that we have that has its own website. Just google: I Am Still In. Go on it. Sign up. Commit as a person or for your institution to honor the Paris Agreement, and to do your part to move forward on addressing climate, which is so important to all of us in the world.

Denver: Fantastic. Thanks very much, Carter. It was a real pleasure to have you on the program.

Carter: Likewise. It’s been a lot of fun. Thank you so much.


Carter Roberts and Denver Frederick

The Business of Giving can be heard every Sunday evening between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eastern on AM 970 The Answer in New York and on iHeartRadio. You can follow us @bizofgive on Twitter, @bizofgive on Instagram and at

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